I work as Assistant professor at the Escuela de Negocios and Centro de Economía y Políticas Sociales (CEAS) at the Universidad Mayor. I am also a researcher at the Center for Studies on Conflict and Social Cohesion (COES)
My research focuses on the governance of natural resources in Latin America, particularly in the context of the global energy transition. More specifically, I am researching global networks of critical mineral production (such as copper and lithium) and other emerging sectors related to the energy transition (renewable energies and green hydrogen), particularly emphasizing the role of the state, labour regimes and urban-regional processes. I approach this from critical perspectives on global production networks, regulation theory, and urban political ecology
Recent publications
(2024) Negrete. M, Fuentes. M, Kraslawski. A, Irarrazaval. F, & Herrera. S “Socio-Environmental Implications of the Decarbonization of Copper and Lithium Mining and Mineral Processing” Resource Policy 95
(2023) Irarrázaval, F & Carrasco, S "One step forward, two steps back? Shifting accumulation strategies in the lithium production network in Chile." The Extractive Industries and Society 15
(2023) Atienza, M, Schölvin, S, Irarrazaval. F and Arias, M “Formalization beyond legalization. ENAMI and the promotion of small-scale mining in Chile” Journal of Rural Studies
(2023) Irarrazaval. F, Stamm. C, Madariaga. A, Maillet. A, and Franetovic. G “Examining the effects of social protest on the environmental impact assessment process in Chile” Environmental Impact Assessment Review 99 107044
(2022) Irarrázaval. F ´Social protest at mining territories: Examining contentious politics at mining districts in Chile´ Resource Policy 78
(2022) Irarrázaval. F. ´Mobilizing Rents: Natural gas production networks and the landlord state in Peru and Bolivia´ Antipode 54 (3)